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Campo Franscia is the start of an all-tarmac route with regular gradients on feasible hairpins. After about five kilometres you turn right onto a track that is alternately rough and concrete, immediately into the woods and with steep hairpins that come out on Alpe Campascio. The route continues on a compact rough track to Alpe Campagneda, offering wide views of the surrounding mountains, in particular of the dominating shape of Pizzo Scalino. Once past the baite or mountain chalets (a holiday farmhouse is there as well) and a mountain refuge, there is a steep part and a right-hand turn just before you get to the barn in Campagneda. The trail gets looser, includes a few crossings, a few short steep climbs and finally comes to splendid Alpe Prabello, where mountain chalets and refuge and a small church sit in the shadow of Pizzo Scalino.
Testi e dati tecnici a cura di Federico Pollini