Castles in Sondrio

Castel Masegra & Castel Grumello, Valtellina’s two most significant castles


On the fringes of Sondrio in Montagna in Valtellina, you’ll find Castel Grumello, an Italian Environmental Fund (FAI) property with panoramic views over the valley from its clifftop position. Out of its standout attributes, it’s a rare surviving example of a ‘twin’ castle, whereby two mirror-image buildings are united by one section of wall.

Dominating the city of Sondrio, Castel Masegra was the favoured residence for comfortably-off noble families in the past, but is today home to the ‘Castello delle Storie (Castle of Stories) museum, dedicated to mountain culture.  

Further up the mountainside in Montagna in Valtellina, the Castel of Mancapane with its intriguing 21 metre-tall tower is worth a visit, so take the opportunity to enact your own modern-day adventure and admire the landscape from up high while on a wander.

Info Point

IAT Sondrio
Via Tonale, 13
+39 0342 219246

Info Point comunale
Piazza Campello, 1 presso Palazzo Pretorio
+39 0342 526299