ON FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. from S. Caterina Valfurva and from Sant'Apollonia

ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. from S. Caterina Valfurva and from Sant'Apollonia

Enjoy Stelvio Valtellina - Passo Gavia from S. Caterina Valfurva

Start: S. Caterina Valfurva
End: Passo Gavia
Distance: 13 km
Maximum gradient: 15%


Enjoy Stelvio Valtellina - Passo Gavia from S. Apollonia (BS)

Start: S. Apollonia (BS)
End: Passo Gavia
Distance: 12 km
Maximum gradient: 27%


the route

The Gavia Pass is one of the highest mountain passes in Europe and links Valtellina and Ponte di Legno, in the province of Brescia. From Santa Caterina Valfurva, the road climbs some 900 m in a little over 13 km, with an average gradient of 6.5%. Some sections are easy, while others are definitely a challenge. The Brescian side from Ponte di Legno is harder: it’s approx. 18 km long with a gradient of up to 16% and total elevation change of about 1.360 m.

Several times the Cima Coppi of the Giro d’Italia, the Gavia Pass entered cycling history on 5 June 1988 when, in heavy snow and below-zero temperatures, Dutch rider Johan Van der Velde broke away and took on the Gavia climb in a cotton shirt and almost got hypothermia.