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A fairly short but very intense route due to its average gradient and above all for its long middle stretches that peak at 25%: this is when you really appreciate help from the motor with high pedal assist. It starts in Santa Caterina Valfurva and follows the first 10 bends for 5.5 km on the Gavia state road. At the tenth, after the right-hand turnoff to the Upper Plaghera area, you come to another fork signposted Sunny Valley and Monte Sobretta. From here, follow the rough track up, first to the right and then decidedly to the left, entering the Valle dell'Alpe up some very steep climbs that are in fact the route followed by the winter ski slopes. The last part is easier to pedal and takes you to the Resort Sunny Valley with its spectacular views out over the valleys, mountain tops and glaciers.
Testi e dati tecnici a cura di Federico Pollini