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This “classic" route entails a long pedal on the flat, 8 kilometres beside the lakes in Cancano and Fraele. Before reaching the picnic area after the second lake, turn left and start a lovely climb up the rough compact track with accessible gradient through a conifer wood. You come out of the woods with a view of the Ortles mountain range behind you and cross the area of the Sorgenti dell'Adda, (the springs feeding the river): down through the meadows on your right to reach the exact point marked!
Then continue to Passo Alpisella through high mountain scenery with scree, scraggy meadows and a nice little lake.
The rough track down to Livigno is steeper and gravelly: you can in fact also pedal up to the pass from Livigno, following this harder route that offers a greater difference in altitude.
Testi e dati tecnici a cura di Federico Pollini